Saturday, November 7, 2009

People make me Sick!

I really hope that there is some truth to the 2012 prophecy cause the human race needs to pay for their selfish greed. I wish that it were possible to relinquish my human species status lets be honest with ourselves, if we are so intelligent why are we destroying the lungs of the planet destroying rainforest. Now the Oil Company Chevron is drill for oil in the middle of the rain forest, and where oil companies go devastation is sure to follow. I would really like to ask these fools do they think it won't affect them, or there siblings I mean this is STUPIDITY!. Wake the Hell up! money isn't going to save your ass do the research or take a course in enviornmental studies and educate yourselves, either that or kiss your asses good-bye. IDIOTS.

1 comment: said...

It seems that with all the interest in prophecy, most TV shows, movies, and books predicting end-time disasters leave out one of the most important truths from the Bible, and that is that these prophetic events are coming as punishment for the sins of man, that they are corrective in nature, designed to bring us to repentence for our own long-term good, as I point out in my blog.

Disasters are indeed coming, but God is not sadistic and He does not bring these disasters without a good reason.