Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Climate Change and what were doing about it!

It would appear that once again the governments are going to be doing little if anything about Clmate Change, the Alberta government has asked that the oil sands project get expanded that will increase the CO2 levels further. It is all about Greed, our economy is important but at what cost that is slowly being revealed and in the end the cost will be greater then what we can pay.

I believe that the Oil Companies, Car Companies and US Congress are responsible for the destruction of the planet and its all about GREED!. The good thing about it is those responsible will perish with the rest of us or their siblings, they really are fools they won't escape. I hope that their money tastes good cause that's all their going to have, there's going to be food shortages, water shortages. If the governments were serious about Climate Change they would have developed the electric car further and ceased oil exploration, but their not I think that Katrina is just the tip of the ice berg in Canada not long ago twelve tornadoes touched down what are these fools in government waiting for total destruction.

I am a Believer and so far the Bible is accurate in saying that this civilization will end Jesus knew that mankind is evil above all things that his heart is hard and that is man's downfall. Jesus Christ is the only way to softening the heart he will rid you of your selfishness and greed, all you have to do is ask him to. Mankind's rule for the last 6,000 years have ended in failure as will this civilization take a look around, when that happens God rules after and he will rule with righteousness. I really hope you are ready, I can't wait!

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